China Carbon Credit Platform

Pursuing "green" and "carbon" to find a new way Hubei: Strive to achieve a total revenue of 600 billion yuan in energy conservation and environmental protection industry by 2025

Release Time3 months ago

A few days ago, the reporter learned from the Hubei Provincial Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Industry High-quality Development Conference just held in Beijing that as the guest of honor of the 22nd China International Environmental Protection Exhibition, Hubei sounded the clarion call to march towards green and low-carbon industries, aiming at the four major goals of "steady improvement of industrial development scale", "continuous improvement of industrial agglomeration results", "continuous enhancement of the competitiveness of market players" and "further improvement of scientific and technological innovation capabilities", and proposed that by 2025, the operating income of the province's energy conservation and environmental protection industry will reach 600 billion yuan.

The rapid development of the energy conservation and environmental protection industry will exceed 510 billion yuan in 2023

The energy conservation and environmental protection industry is a cross-industry, cross-field, cross-departmental and intersecting comprehensive industry with other economic sectors, which has the dual attributes of driving economic growth and improving environmental quality. The Hubei Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attach great importance to the development of the energy conservation and environmental protection industry, and include it as one of the nine strategic emerging industries in Hubei Province, and promote the accelerated development of the energy conservation and environmental protection industry as a whole.

"The energy conservation and environmental protection industry in Hubei Province is showing a rapid development trend, and the industrial scale is expanding. According to the main person in charge of the Hubei Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, in 2023, there will be a total of 2,463 energy-saving and environmental protection enterprises in Hubei Province, with an operating income of more than 510 billion yuan.

The province's energy conservation and environmental protection enterprises continue to grow and develop, with an operating income of more than 10 billion enterprises 4, the province's energy conservation and environmental protection industry has gradually shown a development pattern of relying on backbone enterprises to key parks and regional agglomerations, and has initially formed 7 key industrial agglomeration areas covering 5 regions such as Wuhan, Xiangyang, Yichang, Huangshi and Jingmen.

At the same time, Hubei Province's energy conservation and environmental protection industry innovation ability continues to accelerate the improvement, Hubei has built 8 national key laboratories, 2 national engineering technology research centers, 22 provincial and ministerial key laboratories, 82 provincial engineering technology research centers in the field of energy conservation and environmental protection, and the number of scientific and technological innovation platforms ranks among the top in the central region.

Clarify the development goal of 600 billion yuan and establish a "three-chain" integrated development mechanism

On October 8, 2023, the Hubei Provincial Leading Group for the Construction of a Strong Manufacturing Province issued the "Three-Year Action Plan for Accelerating the Development of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Industry in Hubei Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), clarifying the development goals of the environmental protection industry, and establishing a long-term mechanism for the integration of the three chains of "chain length + chain master + chain creation" to ensure the implementation of various key tasks.

The plan proposes that by 2025, the province's energy conservation and environmental protection industry operating income will reach 600 billion yuan, and 1 annual operating income of 50 billion yuan, 3 annual operating income of 30 billion yuan, and 2 annual operating income of more than 20 billion yuan will be built.

According to the plan, Hubei will establish a long-term mechanism for the integration of the three chains of "chain length + chain master + chain creation", that is, to build a three-chain integration development mechanism of "chain length chain main chain creation" with the vice governor as the chain leader, 8 industry leading enterprises as the chain master, and 8 scientific research institutes as the chain leader.

"Through the 'chain chief', we will better play the role of the government in overall planning and coordination, provide services for the healthy development of the industry in all fields, the whole process, the whole chain and all the elements, and better play the leading role of enterprises through the guidance of the 'chain master', and promote the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industries, the integration and development of large and medium-sized enterprises, and the organic connection of production, supply and marketing. ”

According to the main person in charge of the Hubei Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the implementation of the "three chains" integrated development mechanism is to play the role of the two hands of the promising government and the effective market, coordinate resources, coordinate the roles of all parties, and maximize the promotion of the whole chain throughout, the whole process integration, and the participation of all factors to promote the healthy development of the industry.

Implement five major actions to promote the sustained, stable and healthy development of the environmental protection industry

In order to ensure the implementation of various key tasks, Hubei Province proposed to implement five major actions: "industrial agglomeration development", "strengthening the chain and extending the chain", "cultivating market entities", "improving innovation ability" and "expanding market demand".

Industrial agglomeration and development actions. Cultivate and build a "1+6" industrial agglomeration area, cultivate a nationally influential "Wuchang Huansha Lake Double Carbon Service" industrial agglomeration area, expand the Xiangyang Valley City national "urban minerals" base and Laohekou, Fangxian and other industrial agglomeration areas, create a "Dangzhi Songyi" green chemical circular economy industry agglomeration area, expand Huangshi Huangjinshan Industrial Zone and Changle Mountain Recycled Non-ferrous Metal Industry Cluster, and build a leading domestic "urban mineral" processing industry agglomeration area in Jingmen.

Strengthen the chain to supplement the chain and extend the chain action. Focus on cultivating and introducing a number of water treatment, solid waste treatment and utilization material manufacturing, and advanced equipment manufacturing projects. Relying on the advantages of platforms such as China Carbon Deng, we will cultivate and expand carbon trading, carbon consulting, carbon verification, carbon finance, and carbon asset management service enterprises, and expand new areas of green and low-carbon development.

Cultivation of market entities. Support the main enterprises of the chain, carry out in-depth cooperation with the upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain, take the lead in driving the overall leap of the industry, and support the "golden seed" enterprises to accelerate the pace of listing.

Actions to improve innovation capabilities. Accelerate the construction of an innovation platform with the main chain enterprise as the main body, carry out the pilot of the R&D sharing platform of "government, industry, academia and research funds", accelerate the construction of ecological and environmental protection industry research institutes and energy conservation and environmental protection engineering technology research centers by universities and enterprises, and strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Market demand expansion action. We will give full play to the leading role of project construction, promote the construction of projects such as comprehensive treatment of small watersheds, ultra-low emission transformation, and EOD, deepen the reform of pollutant discharge rights, water rights, and carbon emission rights, establish and improve the market-oriented operation mechanism of ecological restoration, hold energy conservation and environmental protection industry promotion meetings, carry out industry-finance docking activities, and strengthen industrial investment attraction.

In order to support the development of energy conservation and environmental protection industry, Hubei has clarified 18 key tasks for the development of energy conservation and environmental protection industry in the province, and regularly promoted scheduling. Give full play to the leading role of the enterprise in the industry, determine the Yangtze River Ecological Environmental Protection Group, Shenglong Electric Appliances and other 8 chain main enterprises, and enhance the leading power. Set up a 16-member expert advisory committee with academicians as the chairman, and promote the Hubei Provincial Academy of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and other 8 chain innovation institutions to establish innovation alliances with universities and institutes and leading enterprises in the province, give full play to the advantages of the chain innovation platform to tackle key problems, and effectively enhance the support of science and technology. Ten measures have been introduced to accelerate the development of energy conservation and environmental protection industries, and a green and low-carbon development fund and energy conservation and environmental protection industry sub-fund with a total scale of 10 billion yuan have been set up to support key enterprises and key projects in the field of energy conservation and environmental protection in the province.
